Pitman Success Stories | Success Stories - Page 1

Pitman Success Stories

We've helped thousands of people advance in their careers, increase their salaries and expand their practical skills. Hear just some of the experiences our students have had, studying with us.

Choosing to embark on training really will change your working life, whether you're seeking new skills to help you work smarter, updating your ability to reach for a promotion, or wanting to learn skills for a profession new to you. From professionals wanting to advance their skillset, to individuals wanting to return to work after a career break, or step into an entirely new role, we've trained thousands of people from a wide range of businesses and backgrounds. Read just some of our past learners' success stories below.

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2014 Pitman Training Limerick Graduates

Congratulations to all our recent graduates

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Mary Nash - Pitman Training Limerick Accounts Student of the Year

Congratulations to Mary Nash who was the Accounts student of the year at Pitman Training Limerick.

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Simon Black - from unemployed to Training Supervisor

Simon came to Pitman Training Chesterfield to study Book-Keeping and Accounts to add to his previous IT Technical qualifications as he was finding employment in this field impossible to find.

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Amy Forte - Pitman Training gave Amy so much confidence

Amy really enjoyed learning with Pitman Training. She found all the staff supportive and the learning structure was flexible to fit in with her other commitments.

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Claire - from graduate to high-flying PA in Paris!

Graduate Claire originally contacted Pitman Training Plymouth in October 2009. “At that time”, Claire explains, “I had just come back to Plymouth and found it really hard to get a job even with my degree...”

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Akai - from full time Mum to Accounts Assistant

After 15 years as a full-time Mum to two daughters I decided it was time to go back to work in accounting, which seemed preferable to becoming a full-time chauffeur service for teenage girls! But how? It looked like a daunting task....

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Annabel - from full-time Mum to Medical Secretary

Like many mums Annabel wanted training she could fit around her family commitments, which would also allow her to update her skills and increase her after 6 years of brining up children.

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Lisa Samuel - from the factory floor to Training Supervisor

Lisa always felt she could achieve much more and longed for a career within an office environment. Lisa decided to improve her skills, so she would have something to offer future employers.

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Zhenya - from telesales to Assistant Accountant

Zhenya wanted a change and was considering accounting so she approached Pitman Training and after a consultation with a Course Advisor signed up for the Pitman Training Accounting Technician Diploma.

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Olivia - from redundancy to Administrator!

Olivia came to study with us after being made redundant by her retail employer. She wanted to start a new career in office administration so studied our Introduction to Office Skills Diploma.

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Edna Rosa - from full-time Mum to Legal Secretary

"This course was very important for my career development, not least because I learned to use Microsoft Office and to type faster."

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Joanne Clark - Medical Secretary diploma leads to dream job

Joanne first completed the Medical Secretary Introductory course before moving on to complete the diploma, passing with distinction.

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