Project Management Courses | Project Management Training

Project Management Courses

Project management is both a skill and a way of thinking. Thus, it is useful in many workplace situations. Project management training teaches individuals the principles of this discipline. With this knowledge, they can apply this skill in a professional environment.

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How can a certificate in project planning and management benefit me?

The goal of project management is to oversee projects and complete them in a set amount of time. Also, you must do so while meeting the client/employer’s specific needs for the project. Gaining a certificate through project management courses opens up many career opportunities. In fact, you can bring your skills to various industries. Some of the most notable include engineering, IT, finance, healthcare, and aerospace.

First, project managers need to have passion and experience in their chosen field. They should also excel at working with data and budgeting. In training for project management, you will learn how to work with PRINCE2 software. This software will be key to working on modern project management jobs. Users favour this software for its flexibility - you can use it on any scale project. PRINCE2 certification is world-renowned for showing skill in this field.

CompTIA Project+ certification is also important in this field. This certification shows that you know how to handle a project from start to finish. Pitman Training courses will prepare you for this certification. You will learn all steps of a project, from planning to completing it. A respected Pitman qualification or degree strengthens a project management application. It shows that you have the hard skills needed to be a successful project manager.

Training for project management at Pitman Training is beneficial for many reasons:

  • Recruiters and employers respect our programmes. A Pitman Training project management course sets your CV ahead of the pack.
  • Our courses teach you all you need to succeed in project management. They cover everything from costing and pricing to time management and project execution.
  • Want to enhance your skills and gain more opportunities? You can combine your training with a related Pitman Training course. Try business management and business communication courses.
  • You can find our project management training centres across Ireland. Additionally, our courses run all year long.
  • Study with in-centre or online project management courses. Either way, our course advisors are on hand to provide support throughout your course.
  • You can choose to do your project manager training anytime you like. Choose full-time or part-time and enjoy a flexible schedule that suits your timetable.

Project management qualifications

Project management courses teach the fundamentals for a strong foundation in this field. The variety of courses also advance crucial project manager skills. These include time management, Microsoft Office, and budgeting. With this training, you will have confidence in overseeing the completion of projects.

We recommend a Diploma course or group of courses as a sure way to strengthen your CV and stand out to employers. Project Managers can expect to achieve the following in a career:

  • Entry-level positions begin at ~€30,000, rising with experience.
  • The average salary is around €46,000 per year. Top-level positions can earn up to €70,000 in some sectors.
  • You can find project management roles in every business sector. This means that salaries and roles may vary depending on the job position.

You can choose from one of our online project management courses or head to our training centres. Get in touch for a free, friendly career consultation with our training experts. Pitman Training’s experienced course advisors are with you every step of the way.

Related Business & Management Categories

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